Kindergarten/First Grade Team Teaching Loop

Our kindergarten class works as one team. Mrs. Gariboldi is the lead math/science teacher and Mrs. Parker is the lead literacy teacher. We both have a passion for working with young children and creating an environment that encourages cooperation. It is our goal to have children become life long learners!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Kindergarten Fun

Yea! We earned a "sneak peak" of the renovations last week!

We had a great 4winds lesson on animal tracking


A bear for North Branch Nature center is visiting our class!


We created spring mosaics to welcome spring!








Monday, March 10, 2014

Friday's Fun

What a fabulous Friday! After recess we joined the school outside to watch the sixth graders launch their rockets! We all enjoyed this.

At buddy time we celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday by listening to his stories and eating cupcakes. Thanks Mrs. Gariboldi and Mrs. Gannon for the delicious treat.