Kindergarten/First Grade Team Teaching Loop

Our kindergarten class works as one team. Mrs. Gariboldi is the lead math/science teacher and Mrs. Parker is the lead literacy teacher. We both have a passion for working with young children and creating an environment that encourages cooperation. It is our goal to have children become life long learners!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Frog Pond

We had a great trip to the pond today. We observed tadpoles, frogs, spotted salamanders, toads and dragonfly nymphs. Thanks to our amazing 4-winds teachers for a great year!











Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 29, 2014

We had so much fun in ECO yesterday! The kids became birds! Yes, they built nests, sat on eggs, protected their young and went searching for food. Here are some pictures from the day........

Bird families protecting their nests:



Sitting on eggs......


Making wings and flying throughout the forest!


Building nests.....


Next week is spirit week! Here is a list of the special daily suggested attire. Please remember this is an optional activity to participate in. Thanks!


Tomorrow is our trip to the frog pond! Water shoes are highly recommended! Please make sure your child has an extra set of clothing and dry shoes to put on when we return. Our trip is planned for 9:30-11:30, but we will make changes if the weather is not cooperating! We would love to have parent volunteers if you can come!

A reminder that we are scheduled to go on our ECO Mallory Brook outing on Wednesday, June 4 th. We will leave around 9:30 that morning and be gone all day. Students will need snacks, lunch, water, water shoes and sunscreen. Bug repellent is suggested! Again, we welcome all parent volunteers!


Friday, May 16, 2014

Kindergarten fun!

Please join us in collecting money for our friend Garrett and his family.


We had a fabulous day in the forest Wednesday, building Black Capped Chickadee nests.










The talent show has been moved to Tuesday, May 27th. It is not too late for any kindergarten friends to join us. We thought it would be fun to wear a bright colored shirt, jeans, a backward baseball cap and sunglasses. We will meet in our classroom and will be the first act. Please pick your child up immediately after our performance to join you for the rest of the show. Enjoy the weekend.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 13, 2014

Just a reminder that we have ECO tomorrow! It may rain, but we will persevere and stay outside! Please make sure your child has rain gear, mud boots, water and a snack! If your child does not have rain boots, just be aware that the shoes they are going to wear may get wet. We have a few pair of rain pants if you need to borrow them! Let us know! Thank you!

Very impressive structure made during center time!

Reading books about numbers! Music to my ears!


Having fun writing BIG number sentences! Wow! What mathematicians!